Friday, September 29, 2006

KHV - SAA and ECHO at Defra

Late last week SAA and ECHO were at Defra, again, to push for KHV being made notifiable and for enhanced legislation to control the introduction of diseased fish.

The meeting, arranged by Martin Salter MP, saw Defra, Cefas, the Environment Agency, FACT, SAA, ECHO, PCFA, ACA, CFFTA, KBI, IFM and OATA all seeking solutions, together, to the problems of many of our fisheries this summer.

KHV will be listed as a notifiable disease, probably with effect from January 1st 2007, after a consultation period. As part of the package of support around that listing the working group will be seeking to re-publish the guidance on stocking fisheries, which can already be found on the SAA website. The group is also working to develop guidance for fishery suppliers and managers on bio-security for fisheries.

The bio-security guidance will be based on the very good work already done by OATA for the ornamental trade.

SAA has recently published advice on stocking and is distributing the IFM Code for the Management of Intensively Stocked Stillwater Coarse Fisheries. Single copies are available, free of charge, by emailing with your name and postal address.