Radical action needed for water
An unprecedented coalition of environmental and angling groups has produced a ten-point plan of action to secure a healthy water environment for people and wildlife.
The grouping, which represents more than six million people, handed its Blueprint for Water to Environment Minister, Ian Pearson, in the House of Commons on Tuesday, 28 November and will be watching closely to determine whether the Government is making progress on the 10 points of action.
“We are setting out a clear programme of action the Government must take in order to meet agreed European standards for water management by 2015,” said Paul King, Director of Campaigns at WWF-UK, on behalf of the coalition. “We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reverse the neglect of our water resources and freshwater environment. Providing enough clean, safe water is becoming ever more difficult and expensive and climate change is increasing the challenge.”
The Blueprint (see the blog below) outlines the steps needed to slash the amount of water wasted in homes and businesses. It also calls for a huge increase in the currently low-level of fines for water pollution and the creation of a fund to help urban and rural communities restore river catchments.
Paul Knight, Executive Director of the Salmon and Trout Association, said: “Britain's four million anglers and the billions they generate for local economies, depend on healthy water ecosystems.
“Managing our water better has great benefits for wildlife, for fish and for jobs - we can no longer afford to misuse such a priceless resource.”
Graham Wynne, Chief Executive of the RSPB said: “Water, rivers and wetlands have helped shape our nation, our wildlife and the way we think about ourselves.
“Yet today many of our waterways are devoid of the fish, plants and animals they once supported, our wetlands have been lost and our rivers are polluted and over-abstracted.
“Unless things change the country will become increasingly parched and lifeless and we will all end up paying far too high a price for the shameful way we use and abuse our water.”
Fiona Reynolds, Director-General of the National Trust: "It's clear that adequate supplies of clean water are essential, not only for our lives but for the health of the habitats, species, landscapes and soils we depend on. For too long, we've taken water for granted - we hope the Blueprint will mark the beginning of a concerted effort to put this right."
Jacob Tompkins, Director of Waterwise: “Water is crucial to all our lives and to the economy, but increasingly we will see floods, droughts, pollution, rising prices and dwindling reserves.
“We can all make a difference by making small behavioural changes to reduce water wastage and by choosing more water efficient products. Incorporating water efficient appliances into the built environment will ensure a sustainable supply for the future.”
Arlin Rickard, Director of the Association of Rivers Trusts: “Recent joint initiatives and community based projects have successfully shown there are better and more cost effective ways to manage our water. Blueprint has pooled this knowledge into a single strategic document that offers positive solutions.”
Mark Lloyd, Executive Director of the Anglers’ Conservation Association, said: “The ACA regards the Blueprint as absolutely vital to safeguard our rivers and waterways. Anglers are often able to see at first hand the damage we are doing to our water and its wildlife. Without adequate protection for our rivers there will be no fishing.”
Martin Spray, Chief Executive of the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust: “Wetlands are the lifeblood of our planet but they are disappearing faster than rainforests. As well as storing and cleaning our water, wetlands protect us from floods and storms, are a source of food and natural resources and provide essential habitats for a wealth of animal and plant species. This Blueprint is a vital step towards taking action together to prevent further loss and degradation of wetlands.”
Stephanie Hilborne, Chief Executive of The Wildlife Trusts, said: “Water is essential for all life. The EU Water Framework Directive provides an unprecedented opportunity for the UK Government to make a real improvement to the health of our water environment for the benefit of wildlife and people. This is a narrow window of opportunity and we need to act on it now.”
See below for waht you can do to support this campaign.